We provide comprehensive services for the implementation of technical solutions for the reduction of noise and vibrations.
We offer expert advice on the selection of effective technical solutions based on the results of measurements of noise or vibration:
- support in selection of materials to obtain the necessary damping or sound insulation premises;
- measurements of the acoustic properties of partitions in buildings, also evaluation of transfer of noise (installation channels, facades) and propagation of structure-borne sounds generated by technical equipment of the buildings;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of sound proof technical solutions (eg. screens, silencers, sound-proof enclosures).
We carry-out control measurements at various stages of building construction.
We cooperate with producers and distributors of professional technical solutions enabling elimination or reduction of impact noise or vibration.
Product range of suppliers contains:
- products for vibration isolation of buildings;
- duct silencers;
- materials for sound insulation of buildings, sound proof walls;
- acoustic protections for industry and aviation, mobile acoustic screens, doors, panels, blinds, acoustic louvres;
- acoustic ceilings and panels.